“The Abyss” is a concoction of the 3 genres known as Bullet Hell, Souls-
Like, and RPG. There are over 20 levels with a plentiful amount of unique
bosses and enemies scattered about the game. There are also quite a few
puzzles and challenges sprinkled about. Put nightmares to rest to learn the
Lunar Secrets of Mondriech by using the abilities and equip able runes
that are collected throughout the game. In “The Abyss” there is a full
movement and dodge system , as well as a projectile based combat system
that deviates from the typical souls-like combat. In “The Abyss” you can only
take one hit before you are sent back to your last checkpoint. “The Abyss”
takes a deviation from the typical grindy RPG elements that you see
everywhere. Instead of grinding enemies over and over to level up your stats
there is only one stat, and that stat is your skill level. The bosses
progressively get harder and require the player to have more of a grasp on the
game mechanics to beat. “The Abyss” features custom controls for your
keyboard inside of the settings as well as some accessibility settings
like turning off the camera shake , and a performance mode. There are
plentiful secrets just waiting to be discovered hidden throughout "The Abyss."