Maxix Robotics
Player Options
Language Support
Languages | Interface | Audio | Subtitles |
English | ✓ | ✓ |
Look no further with Maxix Robotics.
Welcome to Maxix Robotics! Explore a Historic Robotics factory at night as an engineer and perform tasks via puzzles in a stylized horror environment. By moving around the environment there will be lots of secrets in store for the Maxix Engineer, so make sure to keep an eye out.
Bring Along a D.O.T.T. to Complete Tasks
Grab Yourself your very own personal D.O.T.T. from our terminals in game.
D.O.T.T. is your personal coworker who will help you navigate Maxix Robotics.
You are the only human there so make sure to keep your eyes open for anything
out of the ordinary. Our B.O.T.T.s are there to help.
Explore Maxix Robotics
Traverse each area of the Maxix Facility to update your Maxix D.O.T.T. and use
your little friend to open doors, complete tasks, and ensure Maxix Compliance
standards. D.O.T.T.'s terminals are marked with the same color as your little
friend, so make sure you listen to him as he will give you all sorts of cues
when you are navigating Maxix Robotics.
Solve the Mystery
The only limitation is your imagination and failure to complete tasks is not
seen well by Maxix management. Explore all aspects of our great facility while
paying attention to what lies beneath.
Disclaimer: Game has flashing lights, jump-scares, and loud noises associated
with Horror Game Mechanics.
The Ultimate goal of this game is to clear each of our three wings by
completing three very distinct puzzles. Each puzzle will challenge the player
and will involve using different tricks to avoid the B.O.T.T.s that are
roaming around the facility. There are lots of secrets in store for the player
so they must keep an eye out and focus on solving the mystery behind Maxix
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Language Support
Languages | Interface | Audio | Subtitles |
English | ✓ | ✓ |